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Black Obsidian Spheres

Black Obsidian Spheres

Black Obsidian Speres at La Luna...


Crystals shaped into spheres radiate energy smoothly and evenly in all directions. They can also be passed through the aura in crystal healing or held over the chakras. Work with one with you feel you need to balance, slow down and neutralise negative energies.


Another lovely way to work with a crystal sphere is to have one as the centre of your crystal grids, particularly ones to do with earth healing, harmony, protection or psychic development.


Place in a space where you wish to bring a peaceful and grounded energy, be it in your home, work space or zen dens.


Sphere’s will need a stand for display, luckily you get one for free with each Black Obsidian!


Key words: Balance, comfort, protection, grounding, cleansing of negativity, spirit communication

Chakras: Base

Element: Earth

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio


Black Obsidian Crystal Healing Properties:

Black Obsidian’s energy creates a protective shield that helps us to remain centred when faced with negativity. It assists in recognizing where we are holding negativity, whilst helping to uncover unconscious thoughts and patterns that inhibit our spiritual and personal growth. Like a mirror, Black Obsidian can help show you the parts of the self you may not wish to face, this honest self reflection could guide you to identify and release negative traits or patterns.

A balancing and grounding crystal that is good to reach for when needing to cut / release cords or ties that are no longer serving you due to it's cleansing properties. A useful crystal to use when working with the shadow self. A Root Chakra crystal that will help bring grounding.


Black Obsidian History and Uses:

Black Obsidian derives it name from an ancient Roman explorer called Obsius who was given a black glass sphere from a volcano by an Ethiopian woman called Xenia. It is also called the “wizard stone” because it has been used since ancient times in many magical practices. Polished Obsidian mirrors were used for scrying and Nostradamus is reputed to have used a Black Obsidian sphere for scrying. It is an opaque volcanic glass that can be black, brown grey or green, the translucent variety from Arizona is referred to as Apache Tears. Black Obsidian has been used since Paleolithic times for making tools and weapons because it holds a sharp edge.


Black Obsidian Geological Description:

Obsidian is a glassy, silica rich rock formed from lava with a hardness of 5 to 5.5. It is an amorphous stone meaning that its structure contains no regular geometric pattern. Obsidian is found in South America, Japan, Mexico, Afghanistan, and parts of the United States.


    Being hand carved from a natural product, please note that each Black Obsidian Sphere will vary slightly in size and shape, making each crystal sphere truly unique.


    Sourced from Mexico.


    Each sphere comes with a small ring stand.


    Approx 40mm in size. Weighs approx 80g.

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